January 2021
Photo: Ralf A. Niggemann
Throl optics

Manfred Throl

3 questions answered by Manfred Throl, Managing Director of Throl optics GmbH in Wetzlar.

W3+: In times like these, everybody is talking about resilience. How have you managed to cope with the Corona crisis so far?

Manfred Throl: Since we have been convinced of the dangerous nature of COVID-19 from the beginning, we immediately implemented precautionary measures such as social distancing and wearing masks. This enabled us to come through the crisis unharmed so far leading a more or less “normal life”. Our business has certainly had significant setbacks, and our account for this year will be considerably below last year’s results.

W3+: Did you experience your business as a sole trader so to say rather as an advantage or as a disadvantage?

Manfred Throl: There are two of us working in our company. It has certainly been of great advantage that we run the company from our private residence and seldom meet with customers and suppliers in person. That way, we are able to basically keep our business as usual during the crisis.

W3+: In what way has the collaboration with your customers changed for you?

Manfred Throl: We usually communicate with our customers mainly via e-mail and on the phone, with occasional visits at customers’ or meetings in our house. These have, of course, become even more rare during the past months. Since we know most of our customers and suppliers personally, the collaboration has not changed at all.

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